50 Shades of Aging

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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Shade Seeker! There just aren’t enough Baby Boomers out there, getting down and dirty about how it actually feels to take care of an aging parent. That’s where you come in.

If you’ve reached ACAP* status, then you’ve traveled a long way with your parent(s) and may just have some pretty hefty baggage you’d like to leave. This is the place.

So... here’s what we DO want at 50 Shades of Aging...

-        Relatable stories musings, epiphanies, A-HAAAs, ditties, parables, anecdotes, fables and yarns that speak to your honest feelings about taking care of Mom and/or Dad.

-        How about Mom and/or Dad’s side of the story? (There’s always two sides...) Much to our surprise, a good number of aging parents actually feel harassed by their own helicopter-children ... constantly fretting over them, etc. We’d REALLY like to hear their stories as well!

-        Previously published pieces are welcome, but please let us know exactly where it’s been so we can mention that! 

-        Wicked good English and grammar. Really. Spellcheck...Grammarly... Whatever it takes. After all, it’s your name on it!

-        HUMOR! Caretaking is tough stuff, but often, the fall-out can be hilarious.  

-        A brief bio with links to your website and socials (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) so folks know where to find more of YOU!

...And, here’s what we DON’T want...

-        Rants. However icky your ACAP experiences might be - and while we may even be able to totally identify with them - please don’t dump your woes here. Thanks.

-        Memoirs, biographies, tomes, novels, sagas, epic odes, or annals. Your readers will thank you for keeping it under 1000 (ish) words. Check out Senior Moments and you’ll see that some pieces are s-h-o-r-t. And that’s ok too.  

We don’t really have an “editor” per se, but we may make a few suggestions. Please don’t take them personally... it’s not you!!  It’s our first lap around the track, and our blinders may be just a little tight!

The best way to submit is via email using “Contact” below. Thank you so much for giving 50 Shades some of your valuable time!

*Adult Child of an Aging Parent